I’ve begun working on a video piece that I’m hoping to be able to edit and finish next week. It’s a piece about a local museum and some of the interpretors there in the living history village. All I’m doing is a little who are you and why do you love the museum. I’ll cut this with a bunch of cover video of the people doing their jobs and general shots of people on the grounds and such.
So is this a news piece? Advertorial? Propaganda?
I don’t know. I’m attempting to shed light on the people who work at the facility by attacking the story in a different way. I’m more interested in them than I am in visitors who have shown up and why they paid the admission. To many it’s a labor of love and a job that satisfies them in a way no other task could.
My intent is for news. Time to wait for the bread to come out of the oven. (So to speak.)