Senior Portrait — Becca Preisendorf

Kingsley Images Senior Portrait Becca Preisendorf

A couple of weeks ago I was back in Grand Island for several senior portrait shoots.  The biggest day was shooting Becca and Breann Preisendorf.  They are twins and were awesome during the whole day. I’m going to separate the shoots for the blog and start with Becca today.

Becca was great to work with.  We started off exploring the instruments she plays.  First off was the piano at her home.  We worked on emphasizing the lines of the instrument and trying to to be too literal.  Then we went outside for shots with her violin before coming back inside to cool off and do some more shots with the instrument inside.  Then it was off to downtown Grand Island with her guitar.  Exploring the alleys really worked well for those shots.  Lastly we had to get some shots of Becca with ‘The Panda,’ her car.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Zach Mayhew

    Good work Scott! I think the guitar photo is a little hole in the wall I recently took some photos. Keep up the good work and I hope everything is well.

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